Saturday, 13 June 2015

Junior Scientists

We have been learning about fossils and how they are formed. 

Jack and Zain creating a print.

                                                             Elyssa and Lucas.

                                                         Natalie carefully cutting out her circle. 

       Salt dough fossils cut out with dinosaur patterns ready to go into the oven.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Book Character Dress Up Day

What a great day organised by the school council to help raise money for the Nepal Earthquake.  Everyone dressed up as their favourite book character.  Helen Campbell who wrote the book "What is a Southlander?" come along and talked about being an author.

The amazing 'Room 3' and 'Flippers' all dressed up and looking great!

Best dressed in Room 3 - Alyssa and Danyon.  Judged by the School Council.

Author Helen Campbell reading 'What is a Southlander?'